Friday, February 27, 2009

Is this what I really want?

I'm 24 and it seems like alot of people I know are getting engaged and married. What's up with that? Are we really at that age? I don't know, but it has me thinking about my current situation or lack there of. Will I ever get married? Better yet, Do I want to get married to HIM? Or should I give up the fight and find someone else? I don't know. All this engagement and wedding news has me a going a little crazy. So...will I get married and live happily-ever-after with my prince charming and 2.5 kids, with my white picket fence or will I end up alone with a bunch of cats? LOL. Only time will tell, I guess.

PS--Hell yea, I want a diamond ring...Diamonds are a girl's best friend! Duh! LOL.


  1. I think you're too young to even think about marriage .. give it another year or two ... live the 24 year old life .. spend the money on yourself, get all the shoes and jewelry u want for yourself now and when ur ready to spend money on little ones and a man .. u can do it lol

    I talk as if Im older than you .. im only 20. ;}

    no but seriously .. 24 and engaged ... nah .. i'll wait til 26 or 27

  2. Thanks! I think I will...I do love shopping, and I don't think I'm ready to grow up just yet. LOL. Matter fact, Let me head to the mall right now, I think I need some shoes. LOL

  3. Although, I see Gee-Nah's point...It is easy to say at 20 when 24 seems so close but four years later and all that shit life drops into your lap makes a big difference.

    A 24 yr-old life is horribly close to 25 and you start to question everything from your goals to your life...and girl I feel you, everybody is booed up or with child...and my 24 yr old life is all about hustle. So its natural to question yourself and wonder but in the end live the life that you are most comfortable with...all the other things will fall into place.

  4. Thanks, mAm...I'm glad you see where I'm coming from...

    Thank You too Gee-Nah!
