Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Domestic Violence

All I have to say is Ladies, if that man is putting his hands on you have NO, absolutely NO reason what-s0-ever to stay with him. I don't care what you did, there is no reason in the world for someone to physically harm you. So please, please please NEVER stay with man that beats you. Even if he only did it once. Just pack up your things, leave, and call the police. I know it may not be easy but its just what you have to do if you want to survive.
I've never been a victim of domestic violence but I have friends who have been and it saddens me to see the things these women put themselves through when they stay with these men because they "love" them or because they're doing it for the kids. Love shouldn't hurt and kids need a mother.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Finally, I'm heading off to South Beach, Fl for a little R&R!! This is going to be a CRAZY weekend. Pics will be up soon. TTYL & Happy 4th of July!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rita's Water Ice


Monday, May 4, 2009

25 Random

So this "25 Random Facts About Yourself", has been buzzing around Facebook for a while and though I did this a while ago, out of boredom, I decided to post it here. So here's a closer look into my head, hope you like it.

1. I've lived in Brooklyn for most of my life and though I'm going to travel the world someday I don't think I'd want to live any place else. Well except for Manhattan. But DEFINITELY NOT Queens, the Bronx or Staten Island.
2. I'm a LUSH. I like to drink and I have fun doing it.

3. I have a blog.(Duh!) Its http://brooklynsgirl.blogspot.com/. It's nothing serious, just something I do to pass the time at work. LOL
4. I haven't had a real boyfriend in years. :-(

5. My favorite body part... my breast. I love them!! They're pretty awesome. LOL!!

6. If I could go anywhere in the world it would be Fiji. I'd lay in the sun all day!

7. I don't like being light skin. I wish I was chocolaty brown. :-/

8. I have a HUGE crush on Travis McCoy (Gym Class Heroes). If I ever see him in person, I think I'd jump his bones, then and there in front of everyone. He's so damn sexy. If only all men could look like that.

9. I'm still unsure of what I want to do with my life.

10. My middle names are Fayola and Desiree. I don't know what my mother was thinking when she named me. I think she might have threw some names into a hat and started picking at random.

11. For a while I hated my first name, but now I've just embraced it. After 24 years I guess you can say it grew on me.

12. I want to be married by the time I'm 26. And have kids by 28.

13. I have 9 tattoos. They're all small and in random places.

14. I never liked Tupac or any of his music.

15. I change the color of my hair every few weeks. I'm shocked I still have hair on my head. LMAO.

16. My blackberry is dead and I think part of me died with it.

17. I was so drunk one time that I cursed myself out. I was staring at myself in a mirror (but the mirror was across the hall, and I thought it was some girl staring at me (but it was really me staring at my own reflection) and I screamed "What the fuck are you looking at!" LOL it was pretty embarrassing, but totally funny.
18. I love reading self-help books. (I need all the help I can get...LOL)

19. One of my best friends is someone I really didn't like in junior high school.

20. I am Trinidadian but I can't stand soca or calypso music. It annoys the hell out of me. Sorry, I just don't like it.

21. I LOVE CHOCOLATE. Then again what female doesn't.

22. My favorite movie is Mean Girls. It's so fetch! LOL

23. Short hair looks really good on me, but I think I'm ready to grow my hair out again (already started).

24. I can lick my elbow. Can You?? ;-) j/k

25. I kissed a girl and I liked it. LMAO j/k. My real last random fact is...one of my tattoos represent something bad that I did about a year ago. And it serves as a reminder to never ever make a mistake like that again.Well there are my 25 random facts.

Hope you all learned something about me. If not too bad. :-P

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Color Oops!

I've been coloring my hair ever since I was 14 years old and to tell the truth I really can't remember my natural hair color. LOL. Anyway, I went to the drug store and say this product, Color Oops (see above), and I decided to give it a try, the last dye I used didn't turn out as I hoped and so I wanted to change it. When I got home I put this stuff in my hair and it smelled like rotten lemons and oranges but it worked!! Some of the dyes that i previously put in my hair have been removed. Now I'm going to dye it again, this time I hope the color comes out right. Wish me luck! :-)


Hello to ALL...I haven't blogged in over a month. So I'm back. I've moved out and I don't have Internet, so I've been out of commission. Anywho, I'm back, so you can all breathe a sigh of relief. LOL

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Love Knocked Me Down

Keri Hilson's "In A Perfect World" is...Perfect! LOVE the album. "Knock You Down" is one of my new favorite songs. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I want another one. A flower, maybe a lotus. Actually, I want to color the hibiscus, that I have on my wrist. But what colors...shades of pink and orange maybe...

Bored @ Work

So bored at work I decided to take pictures at work.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm Moving OUT!

Woo-Hoo!!! I got my first apartment and I'm moving out...Just thought I'd let the world know. LOL

House party anyone??? LMAO

Webcam FUN!

My mom just bought one of those Dell minis and it was delivered today. Being the nosey person that I am I opened it and started messing around with the programs and I discovered it has a web cam! Oh what fun!!! LOL check out the silly pictures I took!

Pharrell Vs McDonalds

LMAO...He must've really wanted some apple pies. SMH!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Shh...Don't tell anyone I like "Twilight". LOL

OK...So I'm a big fan of all the books in the Twilight series. I don't know how or when but some how I've been sucked into the world and madness of Twilight. LOL I feel like a 15 year old girl screaming about how much I LOOOVE Edward Cullen. Yesterday at Target (damn, I'm always in Target) I bought the DVD, and now I just can't wait for the second movie, "New Moon" to come out. ::sighs::

You've Got To Be Seen In Green!

I usually despise the color green, but I saw this nail polish in Target and decided to try it out. Guess what...I LOVE IT! I think I'm going to be rocking this green polish til summer. Like they said in The Wiz..."You've Got To Be Seen In GREEN!" :-D

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Skanky Stanky Legg

Do the stanky legg! LOL...the latest dance craze. These girls put their own skanky twist on it. Enjoy. LOL

PS- I secretly wish I could move like the one in the white tights. ;-)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ray Ban's Colorized!

It's cloudy and snowing outside and so to get myself in a summer-time mood, I'm looking at sunglasses online. These Ray Bans are HOT! I want them in every COLOR.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thinking of a master plan?

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...What's a girl to do?

Monday, March 16, 2009

"Epiphany" - Chrisette Michele

I wasn't a fan of Chrisette Michele until now...Her new single "Epiphany" is cool.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oh, Traviiie!

Waking Up Dreaming(LUCIDITY) from Travie McCoy on Vimeo.

Travis from Gym Class Heroes is back at it...updating his blog and making beautiful music. Check him out! www.traviesblog.com

Sunday, March 1, 2009


DILLIGAF=Do I Look Like I Give A F@!*

That's the kind of mood I'm in right now. :-P

Friday, February 27, 2009

Is this what I really want?

I'm 24 and it seems like alot of people I know are getting engaged and married. What's up with that? Are we really at that age? I don't know, but it has me thinking about my current situation or lack there of. Will I ever get married? Better yet, Do I want to get married to HIM? Or should I give up the fight and find someone else? I don't know. All this engagement and wedding news has me a going a little crazy. So...will I get married and live happily-ever-after with my prince charming and 2.5 kids, with my white picket fence or will I end up alone with a bunch of cats? LOL. Only time will tell, I guess.

PS--Hell yea, I want a diamond ring...Diamonds are a girl's best friend! Duh! LOL.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blogging @ Work

I'm a little bored at work so I decided to blog...


LOL, hee hee

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lady Sovereign - So Human

Lady Sovereign - So Human

She's kinda weird, but this song's kinda cool.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

KiD CuDi - Day N Nite

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this song and the remix! This song is old as hell, but I guess he finally decided to make a video, so here it goes. ENJOY! :-P

PS--Kid Cudi is HAWT!!!! lol

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Does anyone have a Neuralizer I can borrow?

Have scientist discovered a way to safely remove memories? If so, I'm willing to pay ANYTHING to forget a few things and a few people.

Oh, Kanye...SMH

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Kanye West but this haircut has got to go. I'm all for being different and going against the grain but this is too much. It's so not cute. What the hell is he thinking? It looks like a bad mullet. (then again, what mullet looks good) Either way, its HORRIBLE and I pray that these young men out there don't try to copy this. It's the pits. SMH. Somebody please tell Mr. West to fix his hair. With all that said, I still LOVE Kanye West. LOL

Friday, February 13, 2009

F@!% Valentine's Day!

Kelis- Caught Out There - Awesome video clips here

The song and the picture explains it all. Enjoy, or not. Whatever!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Here Kitty Kitty

Last Saturday, MAC Cosmetics and Hello Kitty finally released their new line of lipsticks, lip gloss, eye pigments and other make-up essentials and I have to say I am truly disappointed. I went to Macy's with hopes of picking up some stuff from MAC but the entire line of Hello Kitty products were just horrible. The colors well all wrong, they used too many pinks. I love pink but I'm not going to walk out my my house with bubblegum pink lipstick. I think the MAC/Hello Kitty collaboration is for little girls. I doubt anyone over the age of 22 will wear any of this. Try again MAC, try again. :-(

I Think I'm In Love

I think I'm in love. Yes, I am in love. I'm in love with these Marc Jacobs handbags. If I only had $3,645.00 to spare. :sighs: :-\
PS...If you want to see me with one or even both of these lovely handbags feel free to send a donation to the "Nikki Gets A Marc Jacobs Purse Fund" LOL :-D

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mmm Cudi!

Not only is he incredibly sexy he's also incredibly talented. Check out his mixtape "A Kid Called Cudi". Kid Cudi is HOT and that's that. :-D

Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Never Ever" by Ciara

"If that boy don't love you by now...he will never ever, never ever love you"

So true. Sometimes you have to learn that the hard way.

You Had Your Chance...

Has this ever happened to you...You're single for months (maybe years even) and as soon as you show the slightest interest in someone every idiot that you ever dated (and every idiot that comes in contact with you) seems to notice you all of a sudden. Its as if you've been invisible and suddenly everyone can see you and everyone wants to get with you. What's up with that? Why wasn't anyone looking my way before, what's so different about me now? I don't get it. Men are strange. :-\

My Poor Blackberry

OMG! Look at my Blackberry! I finally did it. My carelessness has led to the end of my Blackberry, and T-Mobile is not trying to give me another one. What am I going to do? Please help!!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Little Bit - Lykke Li feat. Drake

When I first heard the song "Little Bit" by Lykke Li I immediately fell in love with it's mellow beat and smooth lyrics. Now I've found a remix to "Little Bit" featuring the Drake ("Jimmy Brooks" from DeGrassi High {if you don't know what DeGrassi High is, then basically you suck--LOL}). and its even better than the original. This song is in heavy rotation on my ipod and I think it should be on yours too.

Pusher by Henok Achido

Henok Achido is a hip-hop artist from Sweden. Check out his new video "Pusher".

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mmmmm Travie. :-P

Could he be any sexier?? I love him! That's all I have to say. He's single now, maybe I have a chance. (This sounds a bit groupie-ish, but I don't care, he's HOT!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This cartoon is HILARIOUS, I stole it from someone on Facebook (and I'm sure they stole this from someone else), I'm going to name my kid Obamalyn Layne-? LOL. What Obama inspired name will you give your offspring? LOL. :-P

My Favorite Things...

MAC Cosmetics & Hello Kitty--two of my fav things finally coming together. This should be good. Can't wait! :-)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wish I Were There...

South Beach...I wanna go back soon. Real soon. :-/

Friday, January 23, 2009

Drunken Negro Cookies

OK, seeing that we have an African-American president I figured that America was getting past all this racism B.S., looks like I was mistaken. This cookie is being sold at the Lafayette French Bakery in NYC's Greenwich Village (The Village is one of the most diverse places in NYC). The owner is supposedly selling this cookie in honor of our new president Barack Obama...CRAZY! What is this world coming to? To read more click here.


Hey I'm Nik, your not-so-average 24 year old Brooklyn girl. For a while now, I've had all these crazy thoughts jumbled up in my head and I've finally decide to share them with you. So welcome to my blog, "Brooklyn's Girl." Brooklyn is my boyfriend and we're exclusive.