Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Domestic Violence

All I have to say is Ladies, if that man is putting his hands on you have NO, absolutely NO reason what-s0-ever to stay with him. I don't care what you did, there is no reason in the world for someone to physically harm you. So please, please please NEVER stay with man that beats you. Even if he only did it once. Just pack up your things, leave, and call the police. I know it may not be easy but its just what you have to do if you want to survive.
I've never been a victim of domestic violence but I have friends who have been and it saddens me to see the things these women put themselves through when they stay with these men because they "love" them or because they're doing it for the kids. Love shouldn't hurt and kids need a mother.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Finally, I'm heading off to South Beach, Fl for a little R&R!! This is going to be a CRAZY weekend. Pics will be up soon. TTYL & Happy 4th of July!!